Saturday, August 23, 2008

No more exceptions for rape and incest

In 2000, John McCain wanted to change the Republican Party platform to allow abortion in the cases of rape and incest:
After a lot of study, a lot of consultation and a lot of prayer, I came up with a position that I believe there should be an exception for rape, incest or the life of a mother. And that has to do with moral beliefs. It has to with overriding concerns. It has to do with a whole lot of aspects of this issue, which is one of the most difficult and agonizing issues that I think all of us face, because of our belief -- yours and mine -- that life begins at conception.
As late as April 2007, he continued to support that position:
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., told ABC News Saturday that he still wants to change
the GOP's abortion platform to explicitly recognize exceptions for rape, incest,
and the life of the mother.
However, now that he is the Republican nominee and actually has the power to make it happen, he has decided on a hands-off approach out of fears that he will lose support with his conservative base.

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